I: Identity Recovery


Living as True Adventist(4up) (KPls 1-1, 5-1, 5-3)

  1. Influence in Community UP (KPIs 2-4, 6-1)
  2. Sabbath Keeping UP (KPls 1-7, 2-3, 5-2)
  3. Practice of NEWSTART UP (Kpis 5-3, 1-5, 2-2)
  4. Faithful Stewardship UP UP (KPIs 6-5)

and Training

Training for Lay Members (KPls 5-1, 5-4)

  1. On/Offline Certificate system for new Elders and Deacons and Deaconess(KPls 5-3)
  2. Various levels of Faith and Discipleship Training (KPIs 6-3)
  3. Fundamental Beliefs examinations for all the members (KPIs 5-3)

Training for Pastors (KPIs 8-1, 10-3)

  1. Solid curriculum for 1st year ~ 10th year pastors
  2. In-Service training for senior pastors
  3. In-Depth special doctrine classes and strengthening of minister’s identity

Development of Materials

Development of Materials

  1. Development of educational materials for children and young adults in affirming Adventist faith and identity” (KPIs 6-8, 7-1, 7-2)
  2. Production of videos and story cards of special doctrines related to Adventist Identity (KPls 5-4, 6-5, 7-3)