G: Go to the World

Missionary Movements

  1. “Going” Missionary Movement – PMM, ISE, PCM, 1000MM, AMM, CMM, OYiM, IWG Missionary (Lay Member International Mission), and Vivid Faith (KPls 2-2, 8-3)
  2. “Sending” Missionary Movement (KPls 2-14, 1-2, 4-1)

Administrative and Policy Support

  1. Pioneering Mission Fields (KPIs 2-1, 2-15)
  2. Fostering Global Church Leaders (KPIs 4-1, 8-1)

Communication with the World Church

  1. Expanding Inter-relation and Communication with the World Church (KPIs 5-5, 10-4)
  2. Publishing English Newsletter of Korean Church Mission Activities (KPls 5-5)
  3. Intimate and Close Communication with leaders of GC and Divisions (KPIs 10-4)